WORKING IN PUNTA: Frankie and Prabha
Retired construction worker Frankie, 72, and his wife Prabha, also 72 and a retired science teacher, returned to Punta Santiago to find their home totally destroyed. The ocean had come inland with a vengeance, wreaking havoc in its wake. Their house suffered extensive structural damage and part of the roof was blown off. The first floor had black mold, salt water and sargasso up to the windowsills.
The refrigerator ended up on top of the kitchen counter. All the furniture, mattresses, wooden walls, closets, cabinets and all their contents, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, generator, washer and dryer, were destroyed and rusted through due to the salt water. Their two year old car was rendered “totaled” after being submerged in the storm’s surge. Their other car can be repaired, but since there is no power yet, it waits to be fixed.
The CPRC and IPS’s Project Monkey Island Team helped remove debris, assisted in structural repairs, and cleaned and painted the interior of the home.